Monday, May 6, 2013
Post A Day (full disclosure - I'm totally not planning on posting every day)
Anyway, some of the prompts still seemed interesting. So I thought I'd play the "Blog Every Day In May" - Or Just the Ones You Find Interesting Because You'd Hate To Over Commit Edition.
Anyway - the prompt for Tuesday (because if you aren't going to play the game correctly, you might as well just make up all of your own rules) was "The thing(s) you're most afraid of". Here is where you have the option of going serious, and emotional...or serious (and in my case) probably borderline crazy. I picked crazy.
I have two fears...ok - three fears that are probably less than rational...
1) Eyeballs. Ok, I don't actually fear eyeballs. Like, I don't think they are going to do anything to me...but I fear something happening to eyeballs. Mine or other peoples. I'm pretty sure the whole thing dates back to a story I heard in gun safety when I was in Jr. High (but seriously, how many people can pinpoint when they FIRST started fearing something?) The best part about a fear like this is you get a lot of phone calls saying "hey - if you go see this movie...close your eyes at this part"...and THAT is how you know who really cares about you.
2) Axe murderers. Pretty self-explanatory right? (Note: A GREAT idea for people who have an irrational fear of axe murderers is to watch EVERY EPISODE of Law and Order: SVU...because that isn't crazy at all).
3) Snipers. I'd put this in the least likely bucket - except when the Republican National Convention was in town, I totally saw snipers on the roof of the buildings across the street from where I work. Which was pretty much terrifying.
And now, because I realize this post made very little sense...I'm adding cute baby pictures. Because EVERYONE loves cute baby pictures...
Saturday, May 4, 2013
It's All Fun And Games...
Until they start moving...
Seriously though, one month ago we could barely crawl, and now we can make it up the stairs. On the plus side, he seems to be entertained by throwing a ball and them chasing it...what a good independent player ;-)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Happy (late) 2013
This year, however, I feel more motivated. Motivated to choose a goal that will actually have an impact on my quality of life. Motivated to make it happen.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Holiday Ideas House 2012
One of my favorite parts of the house this time was the built in spice rack. Super practical, so I'm not sure why I loved it so much, but I did!
I also loved the large mirrors over the couch. It made a huge statement, and the room looked WAY larger. I thought it was neat how the bottom row of mirrors actually start below the couch too. That's something I definitely wouldn't have thought of.
I was also loving the use of music on the walls, and the music note wrapped candles. I'm not sure how practical it would be to cover the walls with paper, but it is a fun look :)
Finally, the game room had a more cabin vibe. It isn't quite a look that would work at my house, but it did remind me a lot of my in laws. It also made me want to utilize more storage baskets!
As always, the Ideas House is full of fun inspiration, and while not all of it would work in any one house, it gets you thinking! I also liked that they decorated more than just the main rooms for the holidays, which is something I never do. Maybe next year I'll add a little more Christmas to the rest of my house...though that might be a stretch.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Still Working On It...
I think this may be the latest in December that the tree hasn't been decorated...but I think I have a cute excuse...
Monday, December 3, 2012
It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
I had to leave out the "a lot", because that would be a lie, but at least we'd have somewhere to put the presents in the event that this is as far as we get!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
A Birthday Reflection
One year ago today my life looked very different. Brandon and I had been in our new house for a few months. We didn't know we were pregnant yet, but I avoided alcohol just in case.
About a week later we would find out that we would be having a baby...and that this year would be life changing.
And it was, but not only in the ways I expected. This year I lost my best friend. It was unexpected, and the hardest thing I have ever been through.
A few months later I would give birth to my son. I never knew how much one event would change me. I've turned into a nervous nut :-)
In the next year I am looking forward to enjoying my little family and every day that I'm given.