Monday, May 3, 2010

I know I'm not pregnant, but...

Everyone I know is pregnant. Between buying presents for baby showers and planning presents for my nieces (and baby X when he or she arrives) I have been seeing a lot of cute baby ideas.

One thing I found that I absolutely love is this rug from Momeni Kids.

Since I'm pretty sure my first child will be a boy I've decided to design the whole nursery around a train theme like this rug. Granted, since there is no baby right now...and won't be in the near future, I am not planning on buying this beautiful rug (in addition to it being a little out of my price range...). Instead I'm thinking about using the train design as an inspiration for my own painted wall hangings. Have a few canvases, each with their own train car.

So in love...all in time I suppose.