So, my friend Jenny (who totally inspired me with this post on running a 5K) is doing a post a day challenge for May. I thought it seemed pretty interesting, though we all know I couldn't do it. Partially because I post once every 3 months...and partially because if I started posting too much I'd probably get questions about my priorities seeing as I haven't finished the last book club book (ok - that's a lie...I'm like 7 books behind). THE POINT IS I'M STILL READING...
Anyway, some of the prompts still seemed interesting. So I thought I'd play the "Blog Every Day In May" - Or Just the Ones You Find Interesting Because You'd Hate To Over Commit Edition.
Anyway - the prompt for Tuesday (because if you aren't going to play the game correctly, you might as well just make up all of your own rules) was "The thing(s) you're most afraid of". Here is where you have the option of going serious, and emotional...or serious (and in my case) probably borderline crazy. I picked crazy.
I have two fears...ok - three fears that are probably less than rational...
1) Eyeballs. Ok, I don't actually fear eyeballs. Like, I don't think they are going to do anything to me...but I fear something happening to eyeballs. Mine or other peoples. I'm pretty sure the whole thing dates back to a story I heard in gun safety when I was in Jr. High (but seriously, how many people can pinpoint when they FIRST started fearing something?) The best part about a fear like this is you get a lot of phone calls saying "hey - if you go see this movie...close your eyes at this part"...and THAT is how you know who really cares about you.
2) Axe murderers. Pretty self-explanatory right? (Note: A GREAT idea for people who have an irrational fear of axe murderers is to watch EVERY EPISODE of Law and Order: SVU...because that isn't crazy at all).
3) Snipers. I'd put this in the least likely bucket - except when the Republican National Convention was in town, I totally saw snipers on the roof of the buildings across the street from where I work. Which was pretty much terrifying.
And now, because I realize this post made very little sense...I'm adding cute baby pictures. Because EVERYONE loves cute baby pictures...