Saturday, August 27, 2011

Follow the Yellowbrick Road

It was surprisingly hard to leave our last apartment (which was on Yellowbrick Road...cute at first until you try to order a pizza...). While I was so ready to leave in some ways, and very excited to be buying our own home...there is always something about leaving a place you called home. We got married while living in this apartment...had our gift opening downstairs...there were lots of memories. (Plus a lot of late nights when packing, moving, and cleaning had me feeling a little emotional).

The living room got a lot of great light, and looked out into a wooded area behind the apartment building. It felt very private, which is always nice! (Especially after having spent 2 years living in the hustle and bustle of Uptown...we actually heard nature here!)

We did have a rather small kitchen though...something I knew was going to be on our list of things we wanted in a new house.
I am super glad we won't be having to check out of an apartment anytime soon. That is quite the process...but it was scary to know we were actually buying something...and what a huge commitment that is. We haven't stayed in one place for more than two years in...almost 10 years (yikes I'm old). Knowing you have to stay in a house for at least 5 years seemed intimidating, but we knew it was the right step. Now we just needed to find the right house...

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