Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sad Dining Room

One of the first rooms you see when you walk into our house is the dining room. That wouldn't be a problem if our dining room didn't look like this:Part of the problem is we haven't fully unpacked yet...but even taking that into consideration it still doesn't give the first impression I'd love our home to give. You know...the impression that adults live here.

One thing I love though is the table. It was my grandmothers, and then my aunt and uncle had it for a while...and now it's mine. I love the legs - and the fact that it can be extended to the point where we could have large dinner parties. Unfortunately, the fact that we only have two chairs means either everyone would have to stand...or my husband and I could just sit at opposite ends of a really long table. Some days that doesn't sound like the worst idea...
In addition to not having enough seating (this is a whole house problem...not just a dining room problem) the two plastic covered chairs we do have leave a little something to be desired.
As does the bare floor that makes the room look feel a little cold.

But luckily, chairs and a rug are relatively easy fixes, it's only a matter of finding ones that we can both agree on...which is a little harder than it sounds (both finding and agreeing), but not impossible.
Another idea I've been tossing around is putting some sort of tall bookshelves on each side of the sliding glass door, and moving the wine storage into the living room (since I'm pretty sure that much warmth and sunlight isn't good for the wine anyway). This would solve the issue of my cookbooks living in the family room, as well as fill a kind of awkward space. It does create a problem of needing to find a new place to hang the framed tea towels (the yellow one above and a blue one that is still sitting on the floor in the living room)...since our dining room and kitchen have a serious lack of wall space, but I'm fairly certain the extra storage would be worth it.

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