Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Every year I make a few resolutions, and sometime I do better at them than others. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure I made them last year, though I'm sure if poured over the pages of my journal I would find them.

So today, I figured I should put them out into the internet for everyone to hopes I'll feel a little extra motivation to actually accomplish some of them.

1) Make our house a little more homey. Right now it still looks a lot like the house we bought. Really only the bedroom has seen a major deviation from what it looked like at closing...even our photos haven't been hung up. So this year, my goal is to start making the place we live reflect the people who live there a little better. And hopefully I'll blog about it along the way.
2) Make some art. Some people might be surprised, but I actually did take an art class in college (two if you count the art history course I took...). And since I've taken a painting course and I really enjoy it...when I manage to find the time. This year I'd like to make the time...and at the very least put together the piece for the master bedroom that I've been planning...
3) Exercise. I'd like to say more...but that would be misleading. I should probably start doing it again...period.
4) Start cooking again (and possibly bring my lunch). This is another one that I could share on the blog, and I generally enjoy trying new recipes...I just seem to have fallen off the bandwagon these last few months...and I don't know how many more nights pasta is going to cut it.

So there you have it. My goals for the new year. Hopefully everyone here can keep me honest.

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