Monday, February 6, 2012

Guest Bedroom

Well, I’ve finally made a decision about the nursery – at least which room it will be in. Part of what prompted that decision was that we were offered a free bed. Not the kind of people who turn up their noses at free, we knew this would be the perfect solution to our lack of a guest room problem.

I’ve been trying to convince our friend Melissa to move back here come visit – however – apparently “we have a couch you can sleep on” isn’t the most tempting offer. So now – WE HAVE A BED! Well, we have a mattress and box spring, but the goal is to have a bed by the time Melissa visits.

See Melissa...look how inviting it looks...

Ok...maybe not the most inviting right now...but if we add some bedding...and maybe some curtains...I promise you'll never want to leave!!! (Ok - you'll probably still want to leave eventually...)

I’m actually pretty excited about putting the rest of the room together (on a small budget). Since we have a nursery that we’re going to have to start decorating, I don’t want to go overboard on the guest bedroom, but I’d still like it to look warm and inviting…so Melissa wants to visit (and then stay forever).

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